Introducing Dimensions of Wellness
Multi Dimensional Wellness Tracking
by Judson B. Tunnell, 19-January-2023
We are very proud to present our new wellness application to the world - Dimensions of Wellness.
Dr. Peat and Crowdbitz have have worked in collaboration bring this project to life. I was fortunate to meet Dr. Peat when I presented on AI technologies. After several discussions Dr. Peat showed me his idea for a wellness assessment. and wondered if it could be a viable web application. Excited by the prospect, I put together a project plan and we were on our way.
I have long had an interest in mental health and wellness. Our extended family, like most families, has had experience with mental health issues. This led me to consult with the Vancouver Island Health Authority. I built Acute Mental Health Services database that was in use for a decade by VIHA. Since then I have wanted to build another wellness application, and have it available to all. Dimensions of Wellness has provided me with that opportunity.
Our wellness application allows users to track their own wellness over time. They can also share their results with their caregiver or advocate of choice. Doctors and care providers can use the app to manage the wellness of their clients. The app provides screening for depression, anxiety and cardio vascular health. If our software prevents a single suicide or destroyed family, we will consider it a success.
The last few years have been challenging. Covid, war in Ukraine, inflation, and politics has left many uncertain. Many of us are left with mental health and wellness issues . Governments have been attempting to help with funding, training, and public awareness. but there are very real budgetary and financial limitations to the scale of the response. Dimensions of Wellness offers a way for governments and organizations do something.
We are aware that some medical practices and organizations want to keep their data to themselves. Many would prefer their own locally managed and curated wellness application. It is possible to buy a license for Dimensions of Wellness and run your own version in your data centre or in the cloud. We will have more details on the enterprise version in a future blog post, as well as details on licensing.
Dimensions of Wellness was developed on Vancouver Island in British Columbia Canada. It is our intention that the application be globally available and accessible. Where necessary we meet Canadian legal and health standards, as that is where we are based. We currently have only an English version available. If you are interested in helping with translation please contact us at
Dimensions of Wellness is dedicated to privacy and the protection of your information. It is our intention to meet or exceed the legal requirements placed on Canadian governmental institutions. We will never sell your private information or reveal your identifiable information to anyone. Please see our privacy policy for more information.
We look forward to implementing many new features and capabilities and have developed a road map that we will be revealing in the coming months. We are excited to continue to develop and improve our app, and to share the journey with you.
- Judson B. Tunnell