What is Dimensions of Wellness?
We are a mental and health and wellness platform. We provide multi dimensional wellness assessments and screening. Wellness providers can use the platform to manage the wellness of their patients, and track changes over time.
Designed by Dr. Peat and Crowdbitz on Vancouver Island in B.C Canada, Dimensions of Wellness seeks to meet and exceed the requirements of the Canadian Privacy Act. We also use the Canadian Institute of Heath Information data model and standards to create our data profiles.
The assessments are free, and as we bring on more users and providers we will be adding more features to enhance the experience.
Dimensions of Wellness Blog
How to Use Dimensions of Wellness
Individuals - Use Dimensions of Wellness to assess your wellness and track it over time. It is free to use, secure and private. We will never reveal your personal information.
Wellness Providers - Psychologists, therapists, counselors, family doctors and others can use Dimensions of Wellness to assess and manage the wellness of their patients. Dimensions of Wellness includes screening for anxiety, depression and cardio vascular health.
Organizations - Doctors, clinics, universities and other organizations can run the Enterprise version of Dimensions of Wellness. This allows the organization to control acess and the data, as well as the content of the questions and the analysis.
To read more on how to use Dimensions of Wellness, see our blog article on the topic.